Sunday, January 26, 2014


We live in a world that supports the ideology that contemporary medicine is the ultimate cure for all diseases and that the food industry is looking out for our best interests.  This so called contemporary medicine and modern lifestyle is primarily comprised of pharmaceutical drugs, multiple surgeries, processed foods and chronic stress.  Unfortunately, we’ve been tricked into believing that this way of life is normal.  We were taught to view medicinal drugs as helpful and junk food as convenient.   

However, the real truth is that this frame of thought is all an illusion.  The pharmaceutical industry and food companies are like band-aids; you purchase them, they cover your cuts but they never truly heal the wound.   If you leave the band-aid on for a long period of time, you will notice that your unhealed wound turns into an infection. These large companies were not created to heal your wounds, but instead to keep your mind, body and spirit in an infectious state of dis-ease.

The ultimate cure to dis-ease can be found in nature. Natural food, natural therapy and natural medicine are not the “alternative” but the “original” medicine.  Our ancestors knew, mastered and utilized therapeutic methods that can heal wounds that our contemporary medicine can’t even comprehend to execute.  Over time a lot of this knowledge was lost, but now we are beginning to uncover the keys to these natural cures.

By moving back towards a natural lifestyle where our medicine comes from the creation of the Creator, we are now able to keep ourselves in a state of ease and void of dis-ease.   Natural medicine does not slap a band-aid on the illness but gets to the root of the wound; correcting the problem without deadly side-effects or surgery tools.

There are two health systems in this world.  One of them is man- made and contains artificial medicine, un-natural food and disease.  The other was designed by the Most High and is composed of natural medicine, good health and tranquillity. 

Which system do you want to be a part of?
The choice is yours to decide…

Peace, Love & Blessings

Monique ‘Mut  Sia’ Jackson

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