Monday, September 19, 2011

The Benefits of Eating Raw!

I've been inspired to write this article because I recently discovered an amazing cookbook that demonstrates many ways in which one can prepare SIMPLE raw food dishes.

Before I continue, I would like to clarify that no, no, NO!!! Raw food dishes do not include->> eating raw meat and eggs!!! Now.... YOU may consume raw meat if you'd like, but that would only be necessary if you have a death sentence or simply enjoy salmonella poisoning! :D However, the raw food diet is geared towards eating vegetables and fruits in their natural 'raw state' without the addition of heat. In other words, they are consumed raw and not cooked.

Consuming vegetables in this state is very beneficial to our health because it offers us the full nutritional value of the plant. Most vitamins and minerals are lost during cooking. Water soluble vitamins such as vitamins B & C are naturally absorbed by water. These vitamins along with vitamin E are easily destroyed by heat during cooking. Not only are the nutrients destroyed but the enzymes and life force energy of the plant are also lost. Please keep in mind that enzymes play an excruciating role in the digestive process and are also necessary for our immune system.

On a spiritual level, the life force energy or 'chi' of the plant can only be retained by consuming the plant in it's raw state. The DNA within the plant contains messages or codes that become one with your physical and spiritual body. The life force energy along with these codes open up the doorway to spirtual remembrance and awakening. They are absolutely necessary for spiritual growth and the development of your spiritual body. Believe it or not, one can actually survive off of life force energy, sun and water. This is called breatharianism; some breatharians consume water while others don't. However, they primarily survive off of the air and the universal life force energy from the sun.

Side note: Here's a few foods that are believed to be very high in life force energy: Mangos, papaya, pineapple, algae, sea greens, edible weeds etc.

Those who know me, know that I can go on and on about the spiritual side of everything! lol, but bringing it back to the physical.. raw veggies and fruits are optimal for our health. On the contrary, some vegetables are not meant to be consumed raw. For example; most beans and lentils are indigestible and are believed to be toxic if consumed in their raw state. Vegetables high in starch such as potatoes, yam etc., can be difficult to digest. I don't know about you, but a raw potato doesn't sound enticing to me at all! lol. Nonetheless, most vegetables are safe to consume raw and there are recipes that offer some delightful ways to prepare them.

The book that inspired me to write this article is entitled: RAW FOOD MADE EASY by Jennifer Cornbleet. It offers raw food recipes for entrees, cakes, cookies and even ice cream! All of these recipes are animal product free. If you are like myself and you do not consume meat, then you will truly love this book! Vegetarians & vegans are always looking for new dishes and interesting ways to keep the veggies fun & entertaining! Yes, I said it... my veggies entertain me! ;D

Until next time.. stay natural, stay healthy!
Peace & blessings

Monique 'Mut Sia' Jackson

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