Friday, June 12, 2009

3 Miracle Herbs

We rarely ever hear about the benefits of herbs in our society. Herbal medicine is the original medicine and not the alternative medicine that people have used for centuries! Yes, there are some plants that are harmful but look at the numerous side-effects that many pharmaceutical drugs have to offer...

Today, I would like to talk about a few herbs that I call miracle herbs. There are many and I mean... many herbs that are amazing but for now, I will focus on 3 herbs; Dandelion, Garlic and Hawthorn Berries.

Dandelion is an important herb because it protects, strenghthen and cleanses the liver. The liver is an important organ because it cleanses toxins from our blood making it detrimental in the detoxifying process. It is also where our nutrients and energy (glucose) is stored. The liver creates bile which is used to breakdown the fats in the food we eat. So you can see that the liver is an important organ and the health of this organ is very significant. Not only is dandelion great for the liver, it is a natural diuretic. Pharmaceutical diuretics tend to deplete potassium from our bodies but dandelion has an abundance of potassium making it a great diuretic. Dandelion root also contains high levels of sodium that help to balance the electrolytes in the blood.

Dandelion root helps with digestion, and it is excellent for the endocrine system. It can be used to lower uric acid levels and cholesterol in the body. It is rich in iron which is beneficial for people suffering from anemia. and its rich iron content makes it useful for treating anemia. The juice in the stem and root of dandelion can be used to dry up corns, acne and blisters.

Dandelion leaves are best for diuretic purposes and the root is better for treatment of the liver. Please keep in mind that the root is bitter, most herbs that are good for the liver tend to be bitter.

Hawthorn Berries:
This is the ultimate heart herb! It is known to strenghthen the heart and the circulatory system. It enhances the utilization of oxygen in the heart and boosts the metabolism. Hawthorn improves the pumping of the heart and protects the arterial walls. It reduces blood pressure and allows the blood to move more freely throughout the body. Hawthorn is also used to treat congestive heart failure, angina and cardiac arrhythmia. The berries have anti oxidant properties which allows it to help get rid of free radicals that damage cells.

Hawthorn berries are very nutritionous; they contain Vitamin C and B Complex, Flavonoids, Carotene and Crataegin.

In my opinion, garlic is the greatest herb of them all! It may not be the best smelling herb but it's definately one of the most amazing plants in herbal medicine.

Garlic is known to lower LDL "bad" cholesterol and blood pressure. It prevents hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and it reduces the risk of strokes and thromboses by preventing the formation of blood clots. Garlic has been known to lower and regulate blood sugar. It also prevents heart disease and strokes. Garlic is a great detoxifier because it removes heavy metals such as mercury and lead from the body. It is helpful for wounds, skin infections, some viruses, ulcers, athletes's foot, flu, worms, respiratory ailments, strep, respiratory ailments, colic, kidney problems, colds, blood thinning, cancer of the stomach, and bladder problems. It reduces yeast infections and provides relief for rheumatism. Garlic helps to prevent cancer of the digestive system and is known to reduce the size of tumours or event prevent certain tumors from increasing. Garlic is nature's antibiotic.

Nature provides us with miracle plants to help us when we are sick. We are created to live and feed off of our planet, so it only makes sense that our planet would provide for us in our time of need...

Well, that's all for today. I will definately be doing a part two on this subject. So look out for it!

Staying natural, is staying healthy!

Monique 'Mut Sia' Jackson

The information that I've provided is for general knowledge. If you have a health condition it is always best to speak with a health professional as some drugs do interfere with herbs.

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