Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sole II Soul

As I stand here
with my feet pressed against the ground

I can feel the energy of the Earth's crust
enter the soles of my feet...
a feeling that's so profound

As this energy moved into the soles of my feet
and through the root of my chakra
and into the plexus of my soul or sol-are plexus

I could feel it ignite my spine and open up my third eye

my internal eye is no longer blind
my vision has been magnified
this cosmic ray has unified...

my physical side- the sole beneath my feet
with my spiritual side- the soul that resides internally

connecting me
from sole to soul, sole to earth, earth to universe
universe to sea, an invisible sea filled with eternal energy

This sea of energy
supplies me 
(Based on my spiritual experience, while visiting Jamaica :)
Copyright Protected. 08/2010.
Monique 'Mut Sia' Jackson

The Purpose of Existence

As I lay my head to rest
and my body leaves this nest
My thoughts became visions 
that began to manifest…

I started traveling through space and the galactical heavens,
when suddenly I fell and landed 
somewhere very unpleasant

As I opened up my eyes, I quickly re-alized 
the desiccation, deprivation and complete lack of vegetation


causing me to enter a state of 
contemplation, meditation 
and even… hell-ucination...


I tried to fathom the reason for my existence within this universal existence
but then realized that this was a result of human extinction…

Not only was I afraid,
But Myself and I began to con-ver-sate

I - asked - Myself
Why am I here and what is my purpose?
How am I expected to live when food is no longer in surplus?


I realized that my existence within this universal existence 
did not only consist of Me, Myself and I 
but that I actually co-existed with beings from the other side

So again, 

I fell into a state of contemplation, meditation 
and this time I wasn’t sure if… I was hallucinating

Because some of these beings looked just like me…
while others had red skin and long blue teeth.

Both beings offered to teach me the purpose of living in this world 
by promising... eternal life and longevity on this planet - they called Earth -

But I was so confused
my body battered and abused
how could I possibly discern
who’s really telling me the truth?

A few of them stood out because they took the proper route
They gave me food, healed my wounds
and showed me sweet… solicitude!

But then… one day,

I discovered my purpose of existing within this earthly existence
and I realized that the essence of survival was not here on earth
but… within the galactical - universe

And as I realized this, 
I began to teach others of the planet Rizq

And as I did this
I felt the sharp twist of my wrist…

I couldn’t hear a beat or sound
because I was being knocked into the ground

by those very same beings
who gave me food and healed my wounds
the same ones who…
showed me sweet... solicitude!

I can’t believe this… 

I then began to witness their white teeth turn 
long and dark blue
and their skin transform from dark brown
into bright rouge…

So as I laid there battered and bruised, I was no longer confused
because I now realize… 

that I was beguiled by a group of red devils
dressed in brown disguise…

Written: Jan/04/2010
(Copyright Protected)
Monique "Mut Sia' Jackson


We live in a world that supports the ideology that contemporary medicine is the ultimate cure for all diseases and that the food industry is looking out for our best interests.  This so called contemporary medicine and modern lifestyle is primarily comprised of pharmaceutical drugs, multiple surgeries, processed foods and chronic stress.  Unfortunately, we’ve been tricked into believing that this way of life is normal.  We were taught to view medicinal drugs as helpful and junk food as convenient.   

However, the real truth is that this frame of thought is all an illusion.  The pharmaceutical industry and food companies are like band-aids; you purchase them, they cover your cuts but they never truly heal the wound.   If you leave the band-aid on for a long period of time, you will notice that your unhealed wound turns into an infection. These large companies were not created to heal your wounds, but instead to keep your mind, body and spirit in an infectious state of dis-ease.

The ultimate cure to dis-ease can be found in nature. Natural food, natural therapy and natural medicine are not the “alternative” but the “original” medicine.  Our ancestors knew, mastered and utilized therapeutic methods that can heal wounds that our contemporary medicine can’t even comprehend to execute.  Over time a lot of this knowledge was lost, but now we are beginning to uncover the keys to these natural cures.

By moving back towards a natural lifestyle where our medicine comes from the creation of the Creator, we are now able to keep ourselves in a state of ease and void of dis-ease.   Natural medicine does not slap a band-aid on the illness but gets to the root of the wound; correcting the problem without deadly side-effects or surgery tools.

There are two health systems in this world.  One of them is man- made and contains artificial medicine, un-natural food and disease.  The other was designed by the Most High and is composed of natural medicine, good health and tranquillity. 

Which system do you want to be a part of?
The choice is yours to decide…

Peace, Love & Blessings

Monique ‘Mut  Sia’ Jackson

Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Amazon Page.. Amazon.com/author/moniquejackson

I'm Sorry everyone, but I'm not regularly on here  (as you can tell..lol)!!!

I've bee very busy writing... you can visit me on Amazon.  I now have three books relating to health and spirituality posted there. The poetry book is on it's way.  Stay tuned as it will be posted in the near future.

All of my books are currently available as Ebooks and are very affordable. Printed copies are only available in Jamaica but will be available online very soon!

Please visit my profile: amazon.com/author/moniquejackson


Peace, Love & Light

Monique 'Mut Sia' Jackson
aka- Mut Sia Mafdet

"Make positivity your best friend and she will shine her beautiful wings of love and abundance upon you as she holds your hands through every step of your life.

Never give up on achieving your dreams and aspirations.
Always believe in yourself, your gifts and your potentials.

- Be An Individual-

Be the individual who is true to yourself, what you want and who you are. Follow your heart and your own inner guidance.

Respect blissfully approaches those who stand up for their inner beliefs, inner truths and individual rights."

M.S. Jackson

Saturday, December 10, 2011

~The Road of Life~

Life is a very interesting journey. There is no doubt that it consists of undeniable bouts of joy, happiness, sorrow, pain and my favorite.. the unpredictable! We must always remember that life is the course and that we 'the living soul' are the students. We are supposed to learn and evolve through every phase and obstacle that we are confronted with. As I've stated on numerous occassions, growth is truly an internal journey and each individual must achieve this achievement on their own. Support from others is always beneficial, but others cannot change your inner being, only you can! You have to genuinely want to change your state of mind, your true intentions, your thought patterns towards others, your weaknesses, your heart, and your spiritual, physical and mental states of being. Without the internal willpower to execute this change, this ideology will always remain as an abstract thought floating in space.. just waiting... waiting for you to ground it and manifest its power into physical existance.

In this 'course' of life, we are presented with many roads that will eventually lead us to our destined path. No road is void of bumps or signals and depending on which country you're residing in.. the road itself might just be one -large-> ditch! :O. We are all aware of the different roads in life and we overstand that many of these pot holes can manifest themselves as people, laws, negative energy, conflicts, barriers and you name it.. but what it really boils down to is your reactions, your actions and your thought patterns.

Lets pretend it's a beautiful sunny afternoon, and today you made the choice to drive down 5th ave, and while on 5th ave a stone pierces your front tire... WHAT DO YOU DO? Do you get out of the car, pick up the stone and throw it back at the road? Now, its understandable that your initial reaction is to get upset; at the end of the day we are humans and we are subjected to human emotions. However, the real question is... do you CONTINUE to throw the stone back at the road or do you change the tire and keep driving? If you didn't have a spare tire, did you learn from the situation and take notes? Perhaps next time you'll decide to carry a spare tire or at least have the proper contact information for someone who does.. What you do, what you think and how you face any bump along the road is entirely up to you.

While on your road trip, you must always remain positive despite the numerous pot holes that will attempt to stand in your way. Don't allow anyone else to control your vehicle, you should be the only one who controls the key to 'your' state of mind. As for those who are vigilant, you will notice that for every negative entity that enters your space, there is always a positive one that replaces it! It is important to be the observer, because it is the observer that sees the bumps, acknowledges the signals, but no matter what turn they take, they never -ever- fall into the ditch...

~Monique 'Mut Sia' Jackson~

Here's One of My Favorite Passages of Inspiration.
Written by Wanda Hope Carter.

To Achieve Your Dreams Remember Your ABC's! ;D

A -void negative sources, people, things and habits.
B -elieve in yourself.
C -onsider things from every angle.
D -on't give up and don't give in.
E -njoy life today: yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
F -amily and Friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches.
G -ive more than you planned to give.
H -ang on to your dreams.
I -gnore those who try to discourage you.
J -ust do it!
K -eep on trying, no matter how hard it seems. It will get better.
L -ove yourself first and foremost.
M -ake it happen.
N -ever lie, cheat, or steal. Always strike a fair deal.
O -pen your eyes and see things as they really are.
P -ractice makes perfect.
Q -uitters never win and winners never quit.
R -ead, study and learn about everything important in your life.
S -top procrastinating.
T -ake control of your own destiny.
U -nderstand yourself in order to better understand others.
V -isualize it.
W -ant it more than anything.
X -ccelerate your efforts.
Y -ou are unique of all of Nature's creations. Nothing can replace you.
Z -ero in on your target, and go for it!!
Until next time.. Remember Your ABC's!!!
Peace, Love & Unity! :D

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Who Are You? (Part One)

"If Earth is the school then Life is the program, the relationships and situations that we are exposed to are the courses, and the soul is the student..." Mut Sia Mafdet

Our souls leave different parts of the galaxy and come to earth for growth, learning and to fulfill a purpose or mission. The soul cannot experience anything in its natural state. It must manifest into matter to experience human emotions such as ambition, anger, grief etc and be placed in various situations so that it can grow, evolve and fulfill it's purpose.

Many people live their entire lives not having a clue as to who they truly are as an individual. Soul searching and self discovery on a spiritual level is imperative in fulfilling ones true purpose. On a personal note, for the past year, I decided to take time for myself; to go on an independent journey in an effort to really discover who my soul is and why it came here. It is through this experience that I am able to write this article which will hopefully be of assistance to others.

Here are some questions that I've put together that one should consider asking themselves if they are looking for self discovery or to gain an in depth understanding as to what is their soul blueprint.


What is your individual purpose?
For this question, I examined what was important to me. I looked into what my passions were and I identified my talents. I carefully examined all the tasks & topics in my life that had a profound effect on me. Aside from this, I spent a lot of time on my childhood. This is important because childhood represents a time of innocence, this was a period of time when you weren't strongly influenced by the lessons of life and were naturally connected to the divine. I payed great attention to what interested me then and what career paths I was drawn to. For me, creativity and helping people were always what I had a passion for.

At the age of 6, people asked me the infamous question.... what do you want to be when you grow up? I said.. a nurse, then at age 12 I changed it to a doctor, then a lab tech then a psychologist and the list kept growing! lol! But whenever anyone asked me why do I want to pursue these fields of work.. my answer was always the same.. "Because I want to help people and I want them to feel better" That statement is a major part of what is.. my individual purpose.

Why do you exist?

Why did you choose to come here during this life time and in this particular day and age?

What does your soul want to achieve or overcome this time around? What is your soul journey?
These questions can be answered by examining all the emotional and repetitive events that've occured in your life. Ask yourself, why am I always in this particular situation? what are the outcomes or lessons learned from these situations and are they always the same? Why do I struggle with this type of emotion (ie: anger, ego, jealousy etc), more so than the average person? Identify your strengths and weaknesses. These questions can give you insight into what your soul journey is about and what your soul wants to overcome or achieve in this lifetime.

Can you distinguish the difference between your own physical (individual) will/ desire and the will or desire of the soul?
Many people have a hard time with this question. The physical you often has desires, whether it be wealth, career etc, but that desire is different from the will or desire of your soul. What your soul desires is that of the divine and as a result, is the true will.

It is imperative to listen to your heart, but only if it is in conjunction with your inner tuition - a form of divine guidance. The heart is the seat of our emotions and our emotions are easily influenced by the ego and/or physical desires. Remember, you are a multi-dimensional being and you exist in parallel universes or other dimensions. The physical you has higher or divine aspects of itself. It is through your soul that you can connect to the higher you. Your higher self acts as a guide to you in this life as it is directly connected to the divine source.. the all that is. Some may refer to this conscious form of intelligent energy as God, Allah, The Universe, Most High etc.

Please keep in mind that your higher self knows why you are here, what your soul blue print is and is there to guide you towards fulfilling your life path and purpose. It is imperative that you become one with your higher self and get in tuned with your soul. Meditation, spiritual practices, keeping a clean heart, staying in a higher vibratory state via letting go of negative emotions will all help to align you with your higher selves. It is important to surround yourself with positive or like vibrational people. Persons of lower vibration will drain your energy and attempt to bring you down to their energetic level. In order to receive guidance from the universe, one must be a positive being who does not hold on to grudges, anger, hate, jealousy etc. These emotions create blockages and disrupt the flow of universal energy that is supposed to flow freely through you. This flow of energy holds the codes and messages from the divine. The type of food that you eat can also create blockages within the chakras (energy centres). Meat that comes from an animal who was not loved but instead tortured carries a negative vibration and when you consume it, your spiritual body takes on that vibration of energy. The (organic) plant foods are in sync with your physical and spiritual bodies.

When you cleanse the mind, body and spirit, it becomes much easier for you to receive divine guidance and to have spiritual experiences. When you acknowledge the existence of the higher self you will begin to receive guidance via intuition, dreams, numbers, OBE'S and in many other ways. The more in tuned and spiritually developed you become, the more you will begin to notice that you can... literally feel energy! You can feel when the pressure or tension of energy is moving in a direction other than that of your soul's blue print. In other words, you can energetically feel when you're going down the wrong path. This is divine guidance trying to pull you back unto the right path, the path of your soul blueprint. At the end of the day, you have free will and are free to deviate away from your destined blueprint but this creates disharmony and eventually you end up where you were supposed to be anyway. It'll just take you twice as long to to get there! lol. On the contrary, wherever you are.. is where you are supposed to be at that particular time...

This knowledge touches my soul because I can validate it through my own real- life- experiences. There is so much more that I want to share regarding this topic but unfortunately, I'm out of time.


Look out for part two, as it will be coming to a computer screen near you! (hahaha.. yes, I'm a geek!) :D

Until next time,
Peace, Love & Soul!

Monique 'Mut Sia' Jackson

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Benefits of Eating Raw!

I've been inspired to write this article because I recently discovered an amazing cookbook that demonstrates many ways in which one can prepare SIMPLE raw food dishes.

Before I continue, I would like to clarify that no, no, NO!!! Raw food dishes do not include->> eating raw meat and eggs!!! Now.... YOU may consume raw meat if you'd like, but that would only be necessary if you have a death sentence or simply enjoy salmonella poisoning! :D However, the raw food diet is geared towards eating vegetables and fruits in their natural 'raw state' without the addition of heat. In other words, they are consumed raw and not cooked.

Consuming vegetables in this state is very beneficial to our health because it offers us the full nutritional value of the plant. Most vitamins and minerals are lost during cooking. Water soluble vitamins such as vitamins B & C are naturally absorbed by water. These vitamins along with vitamin E are easily destroyed by heat during cooking. Not only are the nutrients destroyed but the enzymes and life force energy of the plant are also lost. Please keep in mind that enzymes play an excruciating role in the digestive process and are also necessary for our immune system.

On a spiritual level, the life force energy or 'chi' of the plant can only be retained by consuming the plant in it's raw state. The DNA within the plant contains messages or codes that become one with your physical and spiritual body. The life force energy along with these codes open up the doorway to spirtual remembrance and awakening. They are absolutely necessary for spiritual growth and the development of your spiritual body. Believe it or not, one can actually survive off of life force energy, sun and water. This is called breatharianism; some breatharians consume water while others don't. However, they primarily survive off of the air and the universal life force energy from the sun.

Side note: Here's a few foods that are believed to be very high in life force energy: Mangos, papaya, pineapple, algae, sea greens, edible weeds etc.

Those who know me, know that I can go on and on about the spiritual side of everything! lol, but bringing it back to the physical.. raw veggies and fruits are optimal for our health. On the contrary, some vegetables are not meant to be consumed raw. For example; most beans and lentils are indigestible and are believed to be toxic if consumed in their raw state. Vegetables high in starch such as potatoes, yam etc., can be difficult to digest. I don't know about you, but a raw potato doesn't sound enticing to me at all! lol. Nonetheless, most vegetables are safe to consume raw and there are recipes that offer some delightful ways to prepare them.

The book that inspired me to write this article is entitled: RAW FOOD MADE EASY by Jennifer Cornbleet. It offers raw food recipes for entrees, cakes, cookies and even ice cream! All of these recipes are animal product free. If you are like myself and you do not consume meat, then you will truly love this book! Vegetarians & vegans are always looking for new dishes and interesting ways to keep the veggies fun & entertaining! Yes, I said it... my veggies entertain me! ;D

Until next time.. stay natural, stay healthy!
Peace & blessings

Monique 'Mut Sia' Jackson